Sağ ayak tabanı yukarı bakar, sol bacak sol ayak tabanı yukarıda kalacak şekilde sağ bacak üzerine koyulur. Her iki diz yere değmelidir. Karın gevşek tutularak karından solunum kolaylığı sağlanır. El bilekleri kavuşturularak kucağa ve diz üstlerine açık halde konabilir. Yoğunlaşma da sırt her zaman dik tutulmalı, kafa ileri bakmalıdır. Kulak omuzlarla burun göbekle aynı hizada olmalıdır.
Fiziki bedenle ruhi bedeni en iyi birleştiren ve insanı ötelere taşıyacak boyutu vardır.
Looks up the right foot base, the left leg left leg right leg to stay above the base is put on. Should walk on her two knees. Ease of breathing, is loose right from your wife is your wife. Hand wrist and knee and upper arms to be gained can be put in the open. Concentration is holding the back upright all the time, your head must look forward. Ear, nose and shoulders should be aligned with the hub.
Looks up the right foot base, the left leg left leg right leg to stay above the base is put on. Should walk on her two knees. Ease of breathing, is loose right from your wife is your wife. Hand wrist and knee and upper arms to be gained can be put in the open. Concentration is holding the back upright all the time, your head must look forward. Ear, nose and shoulders should be aligned with the hub.
By combining the best physical and mental with the physical body of man has the size to move beyond.
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