Prof. Dr. Ahmet Maranki Show Tv'de yayınlanan herşey dahil adlı programda kozmik tatlı tarifi verdi.
1 adet ayva
1 adet elma
1 adet armut
tahin ve pekmez
Ayvaları ortadan kesin, çekirdeklerini çıkarıp haşlayın. Bu suyu dökmeyipiçin. Armut ve elmaları rendeleyip haşlanan ayvanın içine doldurun. Üzerine tahin ve pekmez karışımını ekleyip afiyele yiyin.
NOT: Yemeklerden 1 saat sonra tüketin.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet published on Show TV Maranki cosmic dessert recipes in the program has called all-inclusive.
1 quince
1 apple
1 pear
estimates and syrup
Preparation of:
From the exact middle of the cart, and boiled to remove the kernels. This dökmeyipiçin water. Pears and apples into the cart and fill out the grate and boiled. Add tahini and mix the syrup and eat afiyele.
NOTE: from 1 hour after consuming the food.
1 quince
1 apple
1 pear
estimates and syrup
Preparation of:
From the exact middle of the cart, and boiled to remove the kernels. This dökmeyipiçin water. Pears and apples into the cart and fill out the grate and boiled. Add tahini and mix the syrup and eat afiyele.
NOTE: from 1 hour after consuming the food.
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