Sebze ve meyve tüketimini artırın. Sebze sevmeyen çocuklar için, sebzeleri blenderden geçirip çorba ya da köfte hazırlayıp tüketmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Kış mevsiminde meyve tüketimi çok önemli, çünkü bu mevsimin meyveleri özellikle C vitamininden zengin, vücut direncini artırıcı özellikteki meyvelerdir.
- Omega - 3, yağları kalbi destek-lemelerinin yanı sıra bağışıklık sistemini de kuvvetlendirici özelliktedir. Çocuklarınızın beslen-mesinde Omega - 3’ten zengin besinler olan ton balığı, somon, uskumru, hamsi, sardalye, ceviz, fındık, buğday, semizotu, ıspanak ve brokoliye yer vermelisiniz.
- A vitamini ve betakarotenden zengin beslenme de bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirecektir. Besinlerden; yumurta sarısı, havuç, süt, yeşil biber, brokoli, kayısı, balık yağı, kırmızı et, patates, yeşil yapraklı ve sarı sebzeler A vitamini ve betakarotenden zengindir.
- Kola, gazoz gibi şekerli ve gazlı içeceklerin tüketimini azaltın. Su tüketimini yüksek tutun.
- Çocuğunuzun mineral alımını artırmalısınız. Minerallerden özellikle demir ve çinko bağışık-lık sistemini güçlendirici özelliktedir. Demirden zengin besinler; kırmızı et, koyu yeşil yapraklı sebzeler, kuru baklagiller, kereviz yaprağı, roka ve kuru kayısıdır. Çinkodan zengin besinler; tam tahıllar, ekmek, et, balık, badem ve cevizdir.
- Çocuğunuzdaki kilo artışı bağışıklık sisteminin zayıflamasına neden olur. Bu sebeple kilosunu dengede ve sağlıklı değerlerde tutmak önemlidir.
- Egzersiz ve hareketlilik bağışıklık sisteminin güçlenmesinde önemli bir rol oynar. Yapılan araştırmalarda hareketli olan veya sporla uğraşan çocukların hastalıklara yakalanma riskinin daha az olduğu görülmüştür.
- Uyku düzenine dikkat etmelisiniz. Düzensiz ve az uyku uyuyan çocukların vücut direnci zayıfladığı için hastalıklara yakalanması daha kolay olmaktadır.
immune system
Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits. For children like vegetables, vegetables and soup to blender or ham can help prepare and consume. Fruit consumption in winter is very important, because the fruit of this season, especially rich in vitamin C, increase the body's resistance properties are the fruits.
- Omega - 3 oils support heart, the immune system-strengthening properties, as well as lemelerinin is. Children's eating-me in Omega - 3 rich foods are tuna fish, salmon, mackerel, anchovy, sardalye, walnut, hazelnut, wheat, purslane, spinach and broccoli have included.
- A diet rich in vitamins and betakarotenden will strengthen the immune system. Food, egg yolk, carrots, milk, green peppers, broccoli, apricots, fish oil, red meat, potatoes, green leafy and yellow vegetables are rich in vitamin A and betakarotenden.
- Coke, soda, such as to reduce the consumption of sugar and soda pop. Hold a higher water consumption.
- Children need to increase your mineral uptake. Especially iron and zinc in mineral-ness immune system is reinforcing properties. Iron rich foods, red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, dry beans, celery leaf, rocket, and is dried apricots. Zinc-rich foods from the full cereals, bread, meat, fish, almonds and walnuts are.
- Your child's weakened immune system can cause weight increase. For this reason, the balance and a healthy weight is important to keep in values.
- Exercise and mobility play an important role in strengthening the immune system. Research is moving in or involved with sports and children's illness is deemed to be less risk of being caught.
- Be aware of sleep patterns. Irregular and less sleep for children weakened body resistance to diseases are easier to catch.
- Omega - 3 oils support heart, the immune system-strengthening properties, as well as lemelerinin is. Children's eating-me in Omega - 3 rich foods are tuna fish, salmon, mackerel, anchovy, sardalye, walnut, hazelnut, wheat, purslane, spinach and broccoli have included.
- A diet rich in vitamins and betakarotenden will strengthen the immune system. Food, egg yolk, carrots, milk, green peppers, broccoli, apricots, fish oil, red meat, potatoes, green leafy and yellow vegetables are rich in vitamin A and betakarotenden.
- Coke, soda, such as to reduce the consumption of sugar and soda pop. Hold a higher water consumption.
- Children need to increase your mineral uptake. Especially iron and zinc in mineral-ness immune system is reinforcing properties. Iron rich foods, red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, dry beans, celery leaf, rocket, and is dried apricots. Zinc-rich foods from the full cereals, bread, meat, fish, almonds and walnuts are.
- Your child's weakened immune system can cause weight increase. For this reason, the balance and a healthy weight is important to keep in values.
- Exercise and mobility play an important role in strengthening the immune system. Research is moving in or involved with sports and children's illness is deemed to be less risk of being caught.
- Be aware of sleep patterns. Irregular and less sleep for children weakened body resistance to diseases are easier to catch.
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